Heart (Latin, cor) is a hollow, hollow, muscular organ pumping blood through the blood vessel by a recurring rhythmic contraction. The term means kardiak related to heart, from the Greek cardia to the heart. Heart is one of the organs that play a role in the circulatory system.
Surface Conditions
The size of the human heart more than a fist of man. Heart is a muscle that consists of a single layer of endothelium. Heart located in the thoracic cavity, behind the breastbone / sternum. Structure of the heart to turn down, and slightly to the left.
Heart is almost completely veiled by the lungs, but is closed by a membrane called perikardium ganda, which tertempel on the diaphragm. Stick to the first layer is very close to the heart, while the outside layer is loose and sloppy, to avoid friction between the organs in the body that occur because of constant movement of the heart pumping.
Heart kept in place by duct-vein region that includes the equally heart / even, as in the basic and to the side. Two lines pembelah (form of muscle) on the outside layer of the heart shows in which the separator wall between the left and the right platform (atrium) & chamber (ventrikel).
Internal Structure of Heart
Internally, the heart separated by a layer of muscle split into two sections, from top to bottom, into two pumps. Both these pumps since birth has never connected. This section consists of two separated by a cavity wall of the heart. So it can be concluded that the heart consists of four hollow, porch right & left and right & left closet.
Foyer wall is much thinner than the walls because the room-style room should be against the earth's gravity to inflate from bottom to top, especially in the aorta, for pumping through the body that has a blood vessel. Two pairs of cavity (room and foyer at the same time) in each section by a certain heart valve. Valve between the right platform and the right chamber called the valve or valves trikuspidalis three-leaved. While the valve is in the foyer between the left and the left chamber called mitralis valve or valves bifoliate.
How to Work Heart
At the time of pulse, each room filled heart become weak and the blood (called diastol). Next berkontraksi heart and pumping blood out of the room the heart (called sistol). Both porch and relax berkontraksi simultaneously, and the second chamber also become weak and berkontraksi simultaneously.
The blood runs out of oxygen and contains a lot of carbon dioxide (dirty blood) from the entire body flows through vena be two (vena kava) to the right in the foyer. After the right atrium than blood, he will encourage the blood to the right in the room.
Blood from the right chamber will be pumped through the valve in the arterial pulmoner to pulmonalis, leading to the lungs. Blood will flow through a very small vessel (capillary), which encircle the air bag in the lungs, absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide which dihembuskan.
Blood that is rich in oxygen (blood supply) flow in the vena pulmonalis the foyer to the left. Circulation of blood between the right heart, lungs and the left atrium is called the circulation pulmoner.
Blood in the foyer will be driven toward the left the left chamber, which then clean the blood pumping through this valve into the aorta in the aorta (arterial in the body). Oxygen-rich blood is supplied to the entire body except the lungs.
About Heart Health
Heart is one of the most important body organs, result in death. Problems in the heart divided organ failure because the heart is often almost become two parts, namely heart disease and heart attack.
Heart Diseases
Heart disease is a condition that causes the heart can not carry out its duties properly. These matters include:
· A weak heart muscle. This is an aberration congenital birth. Weak heart muscle that makes people can not make excessive activity, as pemaksaan performance of the heart that will cause excessive pain in the chest, and sometimes can cause the body appears to be bluish. People with weak heart muscle is easy fainting.
· There is a rift between the porch overhang the left and right, because not sempurnanya forming a separate layer between the two porch while people are still in the womb. This causes the blood supply and blood being dirty. This disease also makes people unable to perform activities that weight, because weight is almost the activity will be to make the body of a blue and puffy, though not causing pain in the chest. There are also variations of this disease, namely penderitanya really have only one platform.
Heart attack
Heart attack is a condition that causes the heart does not work at all. This condition usually occurs suddenly, and often referred to as heart failure. The cause of heart failure vary, but usually it is terhambatnya main blood supply to the heart musculature, because duct-vein that usually drain blood to the muscles, heart muscle is stopped or solidify, either because of fat and cholesterol, or because of substance chemical substances-such as excessive use of drugs that contain Phenol Propano Alanin (PPA), which is found in many drugs such as Decolgen, and nicotine.
Later is also often found to fail when a sudden heart beraktivitas are, as some of the athletes, famous athletes in the football world in the middle of the football field [1]. Usually this is caused by a heart pemaksaan activity that exceeds the threshold limits, or lack of warming before exercise.
There is no better response to prevent disease and heart attack, in addition to healthy lifestyles (such as is often the morning does not wake up more often is not too late at night, and avoid cigarettes and alcohol), a healthy eating patterns (multiply food and fibrous bersayur , and does not eat too many fatty foods and high berkolesterol), and a regular exercise and not excessive. However, there is some substance which is able to reduce or increase the risk of disease and heart attack, among others:
· Some researchers said that in substance allicin Bawang Putih that can help maintain heart health. Research shows that property by substance allicin, reduced blood vessel tension 72% [2]. However, some other researchers have also stated that there is no relationship between Bawang Putih with heart health. In studies conducted on 90 smokers have a fat, European researchers found that additional garlic powder for 3 months showed no changes in their cholesterol level or some other heart disease risk [3].
· Studies prove that smoking does not reduce the risk of heart disease. To truly reduce the risk of heart disease, someone should really stop smoking [4].
· The findings are published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology revealed consumption Vitamin C supplements may reduce the risk of heart disease [5].
· Research shows, reducing salt consumption can reduce the risk of heart disease. Consumption of salt can increase blood pressure. In the experiment low-salt diet showed a risk heart disease to 25% and the risk of heart attack by up to 20%
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