Sunday, June 7, 2009

Heart Attack

Heart attack

Heart disease is the number one cause of death in American adults. Each year, in the United States:

• 1.5 million people have heart attacks.

• 478,000 people die due to coronary heart disease.

• 407,000 people experience the transition operation.

• 300,000 people undergo angioplasti.

Heart disease, stroke, and peripherals arterial disease is a disease of death. Worldwide, the number of people with this disease is growing. Third category of disease is not separated from the life style that is less healthy is mostly done in line with the changing pattern of life.

These factors triggered the heart attack was the Smoking, mengonsumsi ber kolestrol high food, less movement, supine exercise, stress, and less rest.
Introduction to Heart

Heart is a muscular organ, cone-shaped, hollow and with basisnya above and below the peak. Apex its (peak) sloping to the left. Heart weight of approximately 300 grams. To have the heart to function as an efficient blower, muscle, heart muscle, and the hollow cavity on the bottom should ber contraction in turn. Fast-throbbing heart rate or the pump is working is a naturally by "the rhythm". This consists of a group specifically called nodus sinotrialis, which is located right inside the foyer wall. An electrical impulse is transmitted from the nodus sinotrialis to make both the second platform ber contraction simultaneously. Electric current is then forwarded on to the chamber walls, which in turn make room room-ber contraction simultaneously. This period of contraction called systole. Next period is followed by a short period of relaxation - approximately 0.4 seconds - which is called diastole, before the next impulse came. Nodus sinotrialus produce between 60 to 72 impulse like this every minute when the heart is being relaxed. Impulse impulse-production also is controlled by a system of nerve called the autonomous nerve system, which we desire to work outside. System built-in power this is the contraction of heart muscle contraction-beirama called a heartbeat.

Risk factors coronary heart disease
• Entering the age of 45 years for men.
It is very important for men to realize their vulnerability and take positive action to prevent any future heart disease.

• For women, entered the age of 55 years or experience early menopause (as a result of the operation).
Women began to overtake men in terms of risk of heart disease after the menopause.

• Historical Heart disease in Families.
Historical heart attack in the family is often a result of the cholesterol profile that is not normal.

• Diabetes.
Most diabetics die not because of increased blood sugar level, but because the condition of their heart complications.

• Smoking.
Drai heart disease risk equivalent to smoking 100 pound excess body weight - so may not equate the two.

• High Blood Pressure (hypertension).

• Obesity (Obesity).
Obesity middle (stomach bulging) is a form of obesity. Although all the fat tends to have a risk of heart disease, people with middle Obesity moreover.

• Lifestyle Bad.
A bad lifestyle is one of the root causes of heart disease - and replace them with physical activity is one of the most radical step that can be taken.

• Stress.
Many studies have shown that, when the situation is tense, the heart can occur arithmias which endanger lives.

Heart Attack
Heart attack is a condition when the damage experienced by the heart muscle (myocardium) due to very sudden decrease in blood supply to the lake. The reduced supply of blood to the heart suddenly can occur when a pulse blockade during coronary ter some time, either due to spasme - carotid coronary mengencangnya - or blood akibar pergumpalan - thrombus. The heart muscle that is usually in the carotid pasok by terblokade stop functioning properly as soon as splasme flatten itself, the symptoms disappeared completely and the heart muscle to function as truly normal again. This is often called crescendo angina or coronary insufficiency. Conversely, when the blood supply to the heart is stopped, cells that have a permanent change in just a few hours only and the heart muscle termaksud decreased quality or damaged permanently. Muscle is called the dead infark.

Heart Attack Symptoms
Symptoms for each person can be different. A heart attack may begin with pain that is not clear, do not feel comfortable that blind, or the feeling of shortness of middle chest. Sometimes, a heart attack does not only cause a feeling of comfort that is so often light disalahartikan as digestive disturbances, or even separated from the attention at all. In this case, the only way that allows terdeteksinya a heart attack is when the ECG should undergo examination for other reasons that may not be related. Dipihak another heart attack the pain may be worst ever experienced - the feeling crowded or extraordinary feeling squeezed in the chest, throat or stomach. Can also pour hot or cold sweat, foot pain and a feeling of fear that the end is near. May also feel more comfortable when sitting than when lying and may be so crowded, so the breath can not be relaxed. Pain and nausea, dizziness and even vomiting, and even more when the kolaps up and fainting.

There are some more specific symptoms, including:
• painful. If the muscle does not get enough blood (a condition called iskemi), the oxygen is not adequate and the results of metabolism that cause excessive cramps or convulsions. Angina is a feeling in the chest or shortness of feeling chest diremas-remas, which arise if the heart muscle not getting enough blood. Weight and type of pain or inconvenience this may vary on each person. Some people experience a lack of blood flow can not feel pain at all (a condition called silent ischemia).

• shortness of breath are common symptoms found in the failing heart. Is a result of the crowded entrance to the liquid in the air cavity in the lungs (pulmoner congestion or edema pulmoner).

• fatigue or exhaustion. If the heart is not pumping effectively, the flow of blood to muscles during activity to be reduced, causing the patient feeling weak and tired. Symptoms are often mild nature. To overcome this, people usually reduce gradually or activities suspect this phenomenon as part of penuaan.

• Palpitasi (heart throb)

• Pusing & fainting. Decrease in blood flow due to heart beat or rhythm is abnormal, or because the pumping ability of the poor, can cause dizziness and fainting.
Signs of Early Warning

However, any opinion that once a heart attack came as a thunderbolt in the air. Heart attack is the peak of the disaster damage from a process that lasted a long time, which often involves emotional shock-shock, disruption and physiological fatigue mentally. Signs of early warning so subjective and so tersamar, so that even a trained doctor to measure these things objectively may still disregard them.

Based on the symptoms felt, a doctor can make estimates about nalar whether the symptoms of heart attack intimate or not. Kecurigaannya may be strengthened by the appearance of, the level of blood pressure and heart sounds tap. Akan doctor may send them to the ECG examination and blood test, but when you still feel the pain, the doctor will probably give penghilangrasa painful injections before the examination. This is because the pain can be frightening to bring more in the ravine, which can cause symptoms of heart. Pain that can also cause long-term psychological impact. ECG may not show the first signs of heart attack and that the examination may be repeated. Sometimes a second test still does not show any changes, and for this case, the diagnosis will depend on the examination of blood. Heart, like all other body cells, contain chemicals called special enzyme. When the cells were damaged heart, enzyme-enzyme that is released along with the flow of circulating blood. After a heart attack, part of the enzyme level is increased immediately, but the enzyme-enzyme is perceptive and analyze because it is not detected again after a day or two days, a new enzyme that is released several hours or days later bebera remain in blood for several days or even several weeks.

10 wrong impression about heart disease

1. Heart disease only occurs in the fat just

2. Heart disease can not be on the child or young person

3. Women free from heart disease

4. Heart disease is only one kind of

5. Healthy heart, no heart disease may be

6. No relationship with the attack of stroke

7. Heart disease is a descendant of the disease

8. Heart disease can not be prevented

9. Affected by heart disease as often dikagetkan

10. Heart disease often appears as the heart consume bananas